Current Positions Available

When applying for an advertised position, you must submit the following documents:

  • a cover letter addressing the selection criteria of the position you are applying for;
  • a completed Employment Application Form;
  • a copy of your resume, as well as any related attachments; and
  • the Statutory Declaration Form.

The NSW Police Force provides an opportunity for NSW residents to apply for a National Police Check for employment in Commonwealth supported aged-care facilities. Please CLICK HERE to link to the NSW Police Force Criminal Records Section of their website. A copy of the police clearance should be provided once received.

Your application and supporting documentation can be posted to the appropriate Manager of the Advertised Position at:

Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care & Services Ltd
32 Evans Rd
Rooty Hill NSW 2766.

Positions Vacant

Role Program Closing Date
Occupational Therapist Get Yourself MovingPrograms Friday 16 August 2024
Exercise Physiologist  Get Yourself MovingPrograms Friday 16 August 2024
Human Resources Business Partner Administration Friday 26 July 2024