Laundry Assistant

Closing Date: 14 December 2020 | Program: Laundry Services

Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care & Services Ltd operates a residential aged care campus for 300 elderly people at Rooty Hill, and provides home care services across the Western Sydney region to over 2000 elderly people so they can stay in their own homes.

We are looking for people to join the Laundry Team on a casual and permanent part-time basis as Care Service Employees (CSE) working across all shifts/Monday-Friday to delivery hospitality (laundry) services to people in our residential aged care facility.

You may or may not be currently working in aged care but the ideal candidates will be people who genuinely like elderly people, have had experience in hospitality services, be adaptable and want a degree of responsibility in a job. You will need to be able to work within a philosophy of care that strongly supports the dignity of older people.

Please click below to download a copy of the Selection Criteria and Employment Application Form.

For more information please call Nicole England on (02) 9832 5491 between 9.00am and 12.00pm – Monday to Friday.

Applications addressed to:
Mr Mark Doyle
Corporate Services Manager
Our Lady of Consolation Aged Care & Services Ltd
32 Evans Road
Rooty Hill NSW 2766

or email to