Home Modifications

Our Lady of Consolation’s Home Modification Design and Construction service aims to improve your independence and your ability to move around the home by making discreet, expertly designed modifications tailored to your circumstances.


What Types of Services Might I Receive?

The modifications that we make to your home are intended to assist you to stay independent or to support you to be able to do more around the home. We are not able to conduct general renovations through this service.

There is a wide range of alterations that we might be able to assist you with and some of the things that might help are:

  • Redesigning a bathroom, to help you to maintain your independence in a safe environment whilst carrying out your own personal care.
  • Altering a kitchen, to allow you to continue to be able to cook your own meals. Your benches might need to be lowered or your stove changed to a side opening oven that you can easily operate.
  • Widening a doorway, to help you to move around your house, or to go outdoors into the sunshine.
  • Installing a smoke alarm, so that you are confident that in an emergency it will respond and enable you to seek help.
  • Installing handrails in your bathroom, to alleviate the risk of you falling.

How to Get Started

To request or arrange for an eligibility assessment call the NDIS on 1800 800 110.

More Information is available at www.ndis.gov.au