Household Tasks

Our Lady of Consolation’s Household Tasks service helps you to manage everyday activities in a safe and healthy environment. We aim to improve your sense of wellbeing by increasing your level of independence, your safety and your access to things around your home.

What Types of Services Might I Receive?

Our Lady of Consolation can offer services and supports as diverse as your personal needs. We can offer assistance:

  • Maintaining your home and garden. Through this service you might like help with mowing or making minor repairs to the home: changing or replacing light bulbs, taps or washers, installing batteries or cleaning gutters and windows.
  • We supply a set of basic linen that includes sheets, pillowcases, towels, kylies and chair pads. Our friendly team brings you a clean linen pack twice a week in exchange for your dirty linen.

How to Get Started

To request or arrange for an eligibility assessment call the NDIS on 1800 800 110.

More Information is available at